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8 Bouquets
If you've ever seen the movie called 27 dresses, that is slowly becoming me! BUT you can call me 8 bouquets! (I almost named it 10 bouquets... saved myself from a few extra years)
I have become the queen of catching bouquets and seem to have become quite the beast in the process!
Somebody just somebody tell me to lay off! (Maybe I need to stop believing in fate/superstitions) 
Well here are the bouquets I've caught and the ones I plan on catching
OK height does have something to do with it other than crazy woman stat

1st bouquet: Nikki's Wedding 2008
2nd boquet: Elyse's Wedding 2008

3rd bouquet: Michelle's wedding 2009
MISS... (Let Grandma catch this one)
Emily's Wed 2009

4th bouquet: Heather's Wedding 2011
Things get real crazy here....
Future Bouquets:
5th bouquet: Nicole's Wedding 2012

6th bouquet: Destry's Wedding 201....

This may be the answer to all my questioning....

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